
August 05, 2008

The Road to A Friend's Blog is Never Far!

I love reading blogs each day and thank you all for keeping your lives open to me! I have numerous friends that have started blogs recently or that I have recently "subscribed" to and wanted to share them with you. They are all on the blogroll on the right. Kill some time getting to know them!

Mary Sallee- Mary and I worked together at Keller Williams. She is now living her dream in Switzerland with her handsome boyfriend. She spends her days learning French and exploring the town.

Bring the Rain- I have blogged about this one before.... I don't really know Angie, but I love reading about her relationship with her daughters and her God. She is very inspirational about how to endure struggles and still be faithful to God.

Holly Hilderbrand- Holly works with the children at our church and is a fellow scrapbooker with a room!

Little Patrick Liam- Patrick's Mom Ellen worked with Marcus and then with me many years ago. She is now a fabulous stay-at-home suburban wife and Mom.

Texas Newmans- Mrs. Newman and I worked together as well. She has a cute little boy, a beautiful new home and a brand new baby girl. Her hands are full!

Tiny Greek Goddess- The tiny Greek goddess is Cora who was born in June. Her parents are friends of Marcus and I through church. It'll be fun to watch her grow up and learn from new Mom Melissa.

Have fun scrolling over and checking out these fun blogs!

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