
September 02, 2008

Decent father books

So I have been hunting for some time now for a decent book for being a new father. I've read two so far, and they were so bad, I threw them in the trash can. I don't need a whole chapter about "you can still enjoy life now that you are a father." No. I need something like "Here's how to hold your child so the neck doesn't flop around." You know...practical stuff, and dare I say, a book that actually assumes I wanted this child. I swear, every three pages it was about 'father feeling neglected." Ok, this may be real, but I didn't know I was signing up for a self help book here.

I think I got some good ones lined up....I have on the shelf, the first 12 months as a father, and it talks about games to play, what to expect, etc.. I also have one that was loaned to me by a recent father that was prgnancy for the father....his point of view. Could be a good survival book if I get in trouble in the next 4 months.
But right now, I am reading the baby owner's manual. Finally...something for the geek dad to be....with passage like "properly holding your baby unit" and "maintain a constant 68-72 degree environment for your model, or it can begin to emit a warning that it is too cold or hot." There are chapters about "proper care and feeding of your unit" to avoid the warranty being null, and of course, they recommend that if your unit is malfunctioning, make sure and take it to a certified care technician.
The best, is the warning labels on the two exhaust ports. Most models emit exhaust without prior warning.


1 comment:

  1. The Expectant Father, by Armin Brott & Jennifer Ash.
