
September 11, 2008

Our Generation's Day

Our parents can tell you where they were when they heard JFK had been shot. Our grandparents can tell you where they were when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Our generation can tell you where they were when 9/11 became infamous.

I was on southbound Mopac on the Town Lake bridge on my way to work at TAFP. I was wearing black capri pants and a denim button down shirt. JB and Sandy gave me the news.

Seven years later, we know so much and yet so little about that day. I was not an active Christian at the time and thought a lot that day about God. My sister was due to give birth to Kyleigh within weeks and I remember thinking, "what a crummy world for a sweet baby to come into!"

Today, my faith gives me a much different perspective on 9/11. He always has the answers and can turn everything into good. We are more prepared as a nation, more patriotic, more supportive of our troops, and hopefully, more loving of Him and each other. I also believe that this is not a crummy world for a baby to be born into. It is our responsibility to make the world a better place because of our presence and to equip our children to go to a place and time that we will not go with that same mission.

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