
October 10, 2008

PEO Baby Shower

Thursday night before we left for Hawaii, I had my first baby shower. I am a member of PEO- Philanthropic Education Organization and have been since graduate school. My PEO chapter consists of 25 amazing women- we are strong wives and mothers, community activists, passionate Christians, and supportive friends. I look forward to Abby Lu being inducted in about 25 years!

In honor of the strong educational values of PEO, we held a book shower and everyone brought classics or childhood favorites to begin Abby Lu's collection. It brought back wonderful memories and I look forward to reading them to her very soon.

1 comment:

  1. OH Lady, you are talking to a teacher who absolutely believes in Literacy in the womb! HA! WAY TO GO on the idea of books.....LOVE it! I will have to remember that one! Hope you are feeling well.....and thoroughly enjoyed your time in Hawaii with your hubby!
