
October 13, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

Last night my girlfriend Heather and I attended So You Think You Can Dance live at the Erwin center. It was just like watching the show.... Nigel and Cat did voice overs, the dancers did solos, and they performed many of the favorites from last season.

I am happy to report there were many people there older than Heather and I and they did not appear to be chaperoning their children. We also saw a fair share of men in attendance.

It was great fun, but also reminded me how pregnant Anna is different from non-pregnant Anna. We bought cheap seats and ended up front and center, but on the top level, row 24 which happens to be the very back row. Dear God- the stairs! I thought I was going to die! Shortness of breath- check. Pounding heart- check. Sweating- check. We did those stairs twice thanks to a required potty break. In addition, the route down was scary. The Erwin center mezzanine is very steep and I can't see my feet and am top heavy. I held that rail with all my might!

If you are a fan of the show, I recommend the tour next year. It is amazing to see how high they really can jump and how fit they really are!


  1. I WENT ONF FRIDAY TO THE ONE IN GRAND PRARIE! I was very excited. I will have to share my experience with you in person. A little teaser... a mullet, binoculars, and Arseno Hall.

  2. Hey....I went too! Great show wasn't it!

