
October 02, 2008

Test Results Back... Not So Good

My doctor's office called today with my lab results and they were not good. Boo! Hiss!
Anemia- I have "severe" anemia according to the test results. This means that my body does not have enough iron to accommodate all of the extra blood my body is producing as a result of being pregnant. I honestly expected this. The iron pills make me sick and therefore I haven't consistently taken them. I tried to eat extra beef to get my iron in. It wasn't enough. My friend Johnna had anemia and found Slow FE to be her savior. I'll be searching the store for it soon.
Gestational Diabetes- This refers to diabetes brought on during pregnancy which often ends after birth of the baby. With GD, your body's regulatory systems are off and your body becomes unable to breakdown the sugar in your blood leaving extra sugars for you and the baby. My glucose test showed elevated numbers which does not mean I have GD, only that I need to take the 3 hour fasting test to determine if I have GD. I will take that test when we return from Hawaii. If I have it, I will go on a strict diet that regulates my sugar to prevent complications like a large baby. Nobody wants that!
So, Hawaii might actually be my last week in "paradise" before the baby arrives. Eating a bunch of fruits and veggies and feeling sick all the time from iron is no picnic.
I am quite certain Abby Lu will be worth all the brussel sprouts!


  1. I had to do the three hour glucose with my second kid. I was one point from having GD. When you go for your three hour test, bring lots of reading stuff, your iPod and your computer if you can! It's a long three hours! Plus, they stick you every hour. Not fun!

    I was also anemic with Kyla and she ended up being anemic as an infant. I'm not sure if that was because I was anemic, but anything to deter it, the better!

  2. We will be praying for good results for your GD test and that the slow fe iron pills will not cause any sickness. I took these after Emmie was born and they are supposed to better than others. And she will definitely be worth all of it!! Y'all are going to have so much fun when she arrives; there are so many new experiences everyday. It is so much fun!!

  3. I was severely anemic, too. . .so much so that I would get "the shakes" right around the time I was supposed to take my iron pill. I took Slow FE also and did not get sick. I hope it works for you!

  4. I was severly anemic too. The iron tablets were not bad, just make sure to eat something with it. If you need any tips on that one let me know. I can get the name of the iron supplement I took. I do not eat red meat, thus my iron defficiency. I think anemia is very common and it looks to be the case by your comments.

  5. anna
    i am so glad you called me because mine was severe and the slow fe took care of it. i felt like a kid sneaking in after curfew at every doc. appt because they checked my level every time knowing i had not taken the repliva finally i broke down and told them i couldn't take it. the slow fe will do the trick! have fun in hawaii and no that no stress is best for abby lu.

  6. No Advice here ... hehe!! Just prayers!! Bryan and I both will be praying for you and the baby's health!!

    By the time you get this message, you will already be in paradise or back home!!

    I pray you have a marvelous time!! :)

  7. Everything is going to work out!!!! If the results from the GD test are positive I will be glad to help you and be your strong hold in everyway! You know if I can handle it with two pregnancies you can do it too!!!! It's really not that bad of a diet! I lost weight while I was pregnant!

  8. I agree with Johnna, slow fe works. Everything makes me sick, but these were great.

    Have fun in Hawaii! We loved it!

  9. I also had to do the three hour glucose test. I sat in my car most of the time cause the people in the waiting room annoyed me. Bring a great book!
