
October 02, 2008

Week 28 Doctor's Appt

Every woman who has been pregnant knows what this is.... the famous orange glucola.

Yesterday, I had my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. You drink this soda, about 8 oz. in a 10 minute period and then give blood exactly one hour after you started the drink. It tasted like sweet Sunkist at first. Then, it became too much and tasted like orange snow cone syrup. (Funny side note, just as I started my 10 minute drinkfest, I was called into my CEO's office to discuss my department's salaries..... how professional of me!) You can't put it over ice or eat anything from the time you drink it until you give blood. That sweet orange taste just sits in your mouth. Yuck! I'll get the results in a couple of days.

Also at my appointment I was measured, weighed, and given my flu shot and rhogram shot. Three needles in three hours! My weight gain is still good- only 13 pounds in 28 weeks. Yeah! I am measuring 29 weeks at this point. The week difference is not considered important. All went well and I received my travel permission slip required by the airlines for Hawaii. I am so thankful the Lord has blessed us with a smooth pregnancy and recognize how lucky we are.


  1. My drink was grape, but you are right they are sweet! So, are you sure you want to go to Hawaii, I can go for you.

  2. Good to know what I have to look forward too in a few weeks : )
