
November 13, 2008

Doctor's Appointment: Week 34

This morning Marcus and I met with our doctor for our 34 week appointment. Here are the highlights:
  • Reported no sweeling in hands or feet- so far my shoes and my wedding ring still fit.
  • Blood pressure was normal
  • No weight gain since our last appointment- I am still sitting at 18 pounds. Since Abby gained over a pound according to normal ranges, I consider this a major victory!
  • Heartrate was "perfect" at 154
  • Still measuring 1 cm/1 week ahead of schedule, Dr. Neyman thinks I have a lot of amniotic fluid in me which is causing her to move more than normal and also cuasing me to measure big. Lots of fluid is a positive thing.
  • The new birthing center will open this month and will have wi-fi meaning Marcus can blog her first pics or our updates for everyone directly from the hospital.

I also gave blood this morning and should hear something back late tomorrow or Monday on the anemia. We asked a few more questions this time to fully understand what I am facing. They measured my red blood cell count when I was first pregnant and it was 13.1. Anything about 12 is normal. My tests since then have been 9.3 and 9.6. We need to get it back up to above 12 before I go into labor.

1 comment:

  1. Anna, I know I have said this before ... but Pregnancy looks good on you!! You are beautiful!! :)
