
November 10, 2008

I Got Tagged... Where Was I?

1 minute ago: Marcus and I were laughing at a Wal-Mart Bingo card on another blog.

1 day ago: I was home sick- taking iron and pre-natal vitamins without a large glass of water is a bad combination.

1 week ago: I was watching Monday Night Football and rejoicing in my victory.

1 month ago: I was just back at work from our trip to Hawaii. Boo!

3 years ago: I was frustrated that God didn't want me to have a baby. (I now know his plan was much bigger than I could imagine at that point)

5 years ago: I was a manager for the first time and learning all that entails. Still so much to learn!

7 years ago: I was a newlywed, a new Aunt, and just starting my career.

10 years ago: I was newly engaged and not nearly as in love as I am today.

I tag Stormi and Caroline!

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