
November 12, 2008

Nursery Update

My girlfriend Alison is a wonderful decorator. We have very similiar styles, only she is more daring than I am. She mixes things up more, is less symmetrical, and plays with modern and rustic in ways I don't dare.

She has ledges/shelves in numerous rooms in her house and they always look so randomly perfect. I wanted to do the same, so she has been counseling me via email about what to add and do to my shelves and I think I stumbled upon the combination of color, size and shapes that I like.

I bought the picture frames (which need sweet baby pictures in them), but the remaining items were gifts given to Abby Lu from her many friends and family. Thanks to Susan, Carrie Jo, Alison, Elizabeth, Debbie, Amanda, Lisa, Jan and Kathy for the goods to make my shelves perfect!

1 comment:

  1. It looks great!! I like the ALJ children's block ... great idea that I might have to steal one day!! :)
