
November 26, 2008

Time to be Thankful!

I love Thanksgiving.... the smells, yummy food, football, cooler weather and the beginning of the holiday season. It is also so easy to overlook Thanksgiving as Christmas lights are up, music is playing, and red sparkly bows are in every store front. Makes you wish there was a little more time between the holidays so that we could enjoy the quietness of Thanksgiving a little more.

Marcus and I have so much to be thankful for this year. I didn't want to let the moment go by..... our health, a roof over our heads, a happy marriage, the ability to put food on the table, jobs that we love, answered prayers, unanswered prayers, family nearby, an evergrowing circle of caring and loving friends, and above all a loving God who provides it all for us to experience.

I hope you also are blessed this Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with your friends and family before rushing off to bed to awake at 3:30 AM to be certain and get the best deal on the hot new item this year. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!! I was on Nat's blog and noticed a link to yours... I think you might have sent it to me a while back and I lost it... I am so excited to be able to check it out and get your updates now! We are excited for you guys & can't wait to see pictures of your little angel!
    April (& Randy)
    Ps... miss you guys & austin...
