
November 06, 2008

Various Things

  1. Our sweet precious baby girl has found my bladder. I'd like to have a conversation with her that it is not a pillow, a punching bag or a play toy. Please STOP TOUCHING IT! I went to the bathroom 3 times in 30 minutes last night.
  2. We start birthing classes tonight. Dear God, please don't let them make me get in any uncomfortable positions. I am modest. I do not spread my legs or breathe loudly in public. Please help my husband's comments remain for only my ears to hear. While amusing, he can be embarrassing.
  3. I have officially gained 10" around my waist. Hard to imagine that will go down quickly.
  4. I have to give blood tomorrow during lunch to check on my iron counts. If they are not in the normal range, a serious conversation will likely ensue with my doctor. They mentioned my levels were so high that they feared hemorrhaging at birth and a blood transfusion. Nothing like a blood transfusion to scare a new mom.
  5. There will be some "work" done on my pregnancy pictures before they are posted on the blog. It looks like both my belly and my chin are giving birth real soon. Photoshop editing software is my new hero.
  6. My body temperature is all kinds of crazy. I went to bed last night in a nightshirt with one leg outside the covers and another leg under just a sheet and light blanket. Marcus on the other hand, was trying to survive in a pair of fleece pants, t-shirt and a flannel shirt. They recommended we bring a sweater to class tonight, I should probably bring a fan.
  7. I think I am at the point where planning a meal ahead of time is pointless. I'll think of some food item and then have to have it immediately. I will leave my office for lunch with no idea of where I am going, but I know it when I pass by and I can't get it quick enough.

Just some random thoughts from a pregnant girl -



  1. Oh pregnant girl... from another pregnant girl... God Bless You ... I feel the same way! : )

  2. "I am modest" HAHA! LOL! HAHA!

    Deary, do you know that when you give birth, you will have at least 3-5 people in your room looking at your girlie bits? That is unless you plan a home delivery.

    When I had Elisan, they called in the Neo-Natal team b/c of some stuff I won't go into here... but I had about 10 people in my room when I was cranking her out.

    Good luck with that modesty issue!
