
December 31, 2008

Abby Lu Comes Home

If we thought the car ride to the hospital was stressful, driving home with our new baby girl was extra stressful! We checked out of the hospital about 12:45 after getting clearance from my doctor and the pediatrician.

Abby Lu was strapped nicely into her car seat and seemed to like it just fine.... that is, until the car started!

She got upset and wailed all the way home. Nothing was wrong with her. It was just a new experience and it scared her. I sat in the back and did my best to comfort her. Poor thing.

It is nice to be home with her. We never relied on the nurses much, so leaving them wasn't as scary as many had told us. We just wanted to have our own shower, bed, and comfy chairs. We wanted to see our little girl in her room and on her changing table. We wanted to play with her swing and sit her on her boppy.
We'll see how our first night goes! It appears the neighborhood kids are welcoming her home with fireworks. How nice! :)

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