
December 01, 2008

American Hero

Every now and then you find a blog from a blog from a blog and you become engrossed in that person's life. I have blogs from all over the country that I like to read. It is a time consuming habit!

I bought an item from a women out of Killeen and her business card included her blog. I looked it up to contact her when my custom item had not come in during the time frame she had mentioned. Her blog talked about the bad week she had and directed her friends and family to pray for her friends Rob and Dena. I went to their blog and also started praying for Rob and Dena.

Rob is an Army Ranger from Fort Hood that was hit by a roadside bomb in late October. He was flown to Germany and then back to the states where his wife has been by his side for the past 4 weeks. He lost both his legs and had unknown head injuries. He had not regained full consciousness, but had opened his eyes, responded with blinks or hand squeezes on command, and shed tears when his wife played a slide show of their family. He is 31 and has 2 daughters- ages 3 and 11 months. President Bush pinned a purple heart to his bed on Veteran's Day.

Today, Rob passed away from his injuries. His family made the difficult decision to let him go after his latest brain scan showed devastating numbers. I encourage you to pray for this family. Marcus and I both discussed how lucky we are to not know anyone at war right now. We realize that every solider there is somebody's loved one and today this family lost their hero.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing... I will pray for his family. How sad... Thankfully those that I know have come home safely but I do have a friend who is going back... Not yet but next year. I am friends with he and his wife & they just had a baby a few months ago... I can't imagine if I was in the shoes of this family or even my friends... it would be hard. I am so grateful to our service men & women.
