
December 27, 2008

things to do while waiting...

so folks, we are at T minus negative 4 days now.  24 hours we make our way to the hospital to have our planned baby.  But this week...we have been pretty much been waiting around.  Anna isn't really into going to the gym right now...or...driving...or standing...and i can't blame her. And I excel at being a nervous nelly, so I am leaving in limited spurts.  We put a lot of effort into this overdo watermelon, so I'm not taking chances.  

So with a week on our hands, we have the following house activities.  Those of you expecting can maybe use em.

1. Football.  not really me, but for Anna.  Thank you bowl season.
2. World of Warcraft.  I've played so much WOW (in broken and controlled doses) that I think I'm about to get the final quest "Go out and get  life!"
3.  This only lasts for so long.  Then there is the Wii.  but you can only play so much trivia before you say "mmk...tired of getting beat...I quit.  At least for me.
4.  floor tile counting.  Don't laugh, but day 4, its not bad.   you learn things.
5.  Yea!  Theres dishes and clothes to take care of.
6.  Restock the diaper bag.  I approach it like packing a bag for a camping trip.  Be Prepared!
7.  Making homemade pencils
8.  Brushing up on my Discovery channel "the grubworms of New Zealand."
9.  sorting the music on the Iphone...the Ipod, Itunes..sort sort sort
10. talking to plants.
11. Polish and shine the plumming under the sink
12. Blog stalking....Anna's..not mine..
13.  watching wheel of fortune...Anna's like Rain Man with that show.

Mmk...back to some online Solitare or some "what spilled in the microwave".  I RULE that game.


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