
December 04, 2008

Week 37 Dr Appt

I am at weekly doctors appointments- yea! The time is near my friends!
My appointment today went well- my blood pressure was "excellent" to quote the medical assistant and Abby's heart rate was "perfect". Thank you God for those numeric blessings.
My weight gain was funny. I have been chugging along with a gain of 1-2 pounds every two weeks and all was well. I feel like my belly has exploded the past two weeks and my appetite has been strong. I have indulged in lots of hamburgers and BBQ for my iron count and ice cream for my sweet tooth. All of that adds up to 7 pounds gained in 2 weeks! Wow! Let's pray I don't do that again. Overall, I have gained 25 pounds, so we are fine.
I also learned that I am 1 cm dilated. In the grand scheme, it doesn't mean she is coming any quicker. But, it does make my happy to know my body is progressing toward something. My next appointment is on 12/12.
Two nights ago I woke up at 12:12 and immediately thought that will be my child's birthday. We'll see if that was wishful thinking! I do have 3 Christmas parties that night and 2 more that weekend! It is also the one year anniversary of our first IVF meeting. How special would that be!


  1. Oh Anna, I am so excited for you! This is a really special time. Enjoy every minute of it!

  2. This is Kristi, a friend of Billye, she sent me to your blog when i found out i was pregnant. We are exactly on the same day in our pregnancy! I am having my little girl on 12/12 via c-section. It would be neat for you to have her on the same day! I enjoy your blog!

  3. Nope, Ms. Anna - you need to wait until after 12/14 so that you can attend the FF party! Nothing would hurt waiting an extra few days! :-)
