
January 08, 2009

Abby Lu's First Walk

This afternoon Marcus and I took Abby Lu on her first walk outside. She hasn't left the house since her arrival 8 days ago.
When I put her in the car seat/stroller, she seemed calm and then when I walked away to get the camera, she got upset.

However, once we opened the door and began rolling down the driveway she was out! Yahoo! It is nice to know another method to calm her when needed.
Getting out was nice. We walked a few blocks and came home. I hope to extend that distance each week so that we can enjoy the sporadic nice weather together.


  1. I bet it was good for ya to get our of the house also!! She's beautifuL!! :)

  2. I love seeing the cute pictures and hearing how everything is going. So glad you're all enjoying one another so much!! :-)
