
January 06, 2009

Shots for Mommy and Daddy

Marcus and I visited our family physician this afternoon to get our whooping cough shots. Abby Lu's pediatrician recommended we get them since it is a high risk sickness for infants and she is unable to get the shot.

After all of the shots I have received, it wasn't that bad. For Marcus, he made a funny face and has complained his arm is sore all day. Wuss!

I loved the nurse we saw. She asked why we would come in on a Tuesday afternoon for whooping cough shots. I told her we just had a baby and our pediatrician recommended it. She was shocked that I had an 8 day old baby. She said I looked good. How nice! I like her! I have lost a lot of the baby weight already and can wear some of my regular pants. Between giving birth and nursing, it is coming off quickly which is nice since I didn't start out a size 4! I am 7 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Yea! Yea!

PS- My shoes fit just fine now that the IV fluids have left my feet. Sorry, no massive shoe sale!


  1. What fabulous parents! I bet that nurse told everyone about you guys. With all the commercials now about whooping cough and vaccines on TV, you guys should send in your story and get a deal! (College fund??) :)

  2. Deanna,

    What a truly beautiful little angel God has blessed you'll with. She really is a gorgeous baby. I hope to see her one day soon. TJ is so proud and rightfully should be. From someone who's been there,just remember God has "loaned" her to you'll and in you must cherish every moment you'll are together. Always love her uncondionally and take time,no matter what to spend with her now, while she is little especially. I have so many regrets from own kids. Believe me, she will grow up faster than you think! "You never know when you are making a memory". Be thankful and cherish every moment.

    I do love you'll and I'm so sorry I've missed so many years being a part of yourlife and your mom,dad and Tiffany. I hope to make that up in the future.....


    Aunt Laraine
    121 Rawson
    Kerrville,TX 78028
