
January 16, 2009

What is this zipper thing?

Today I took a break and ran out for one hour in BLUE JEANS! It felt great to not be in sweat pants or yoga pants. However, it has been months since I wore pants with a zipper!

Plus, I wore pre-maternity jeans because I weighed in today at my pre-baby weight. Amazing! I have no idea how, but if it is because I am breastfeeding, I may have to breastfeed until she is 20 or I weigh 120!


  1. I love this time when the baby weight just falls off! Keep up the nursing it is the key to loosing the weight faster!!!!!!!

  2. I have only one thing to say, and it is not polite or Christian in any way. YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH! This is so unfair, and I am jealous beyond words. Lilah turned ONE on Wednesday, and I have 10 pounds to go. All my love, Al

  3. This made me laugh! I'm hoping this happens to me .. soon : )
