
January 28, 2009

Whats this 'rested' feeling?

So I have heard from some veterans at the parent thing...that the first time you sleep through the night...its like  "whoa!" experience.  We had a taste of that

10:20pm: Abby goes down.  Kinda fussy, a little tired, ate a little bit.  Anna puts her down with the expectation that we will be up 'soon'.

1:30am - I wake up, look around, and check to make sure the kiddo has not relocated herself to the floor, or anything silly like that.  Nope, snoozing away.  mmk...let's sleep while we can, she'll wake us up soon.

3:15am - so use to being up at this time, I wake up.  Kid still asleep, where we left her.  Better hurry and get back to sleep, she will awaken any second.

5:25am - really?  did I miss something?  Did the wifey get up and take care of junior, and I miss it?  well...its an hour till I get up.....let it ride...

6:38am - are you kidding me?  Ok, seriously, going to get the kiddo and wake her up! 

8:30 - Gonna toot on my horn here...Let Anna have a couple hours more sleep ;) 

I have been doing all that I can at work today, because I have a strong feeling that lil Abby is going balance our REM karma here and pull an all nighter.  

By the way, I now introduce myself to customers with the age of my child and my number of hours of sleep.  "Im Marcus, I have a 4 week old, last night, we got 4 hours of sleep."  I find this disclaimer very useful.  Because when I am a space cadet, they look at me, nod, and say "I understand" rather than "what is wrong with you son?"

Quick trivia fact, a baby's cry is about the same decibels as a leaf blower, or a chainsaw.  Yep.


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