
February 11, 2009

6 Weeks Everything Does Change!

Wow- this week we hit 6 weeks and just like I have heard, everything changes!

Abby Lu is smiling, looks at us, sits in her bouncer and enjoys it, and is a much more content baby. The first six weeks were wonderful and I love her dearly, but I feel like we are at a point where we can get to know her. She is developing some true patterns in her behavior and temperament that make it so much easier to parent her and not just follow the books.

She was so happy yesterday morning that I was able to do a photo session without a screaming fit photo to end it all. I captured lots of sweet girl photos this time around.

This time we ended the session because the bright flash was starting to effect her!

1 comment:

  1. Bryan is on his way to San Antonio right now ... maybe I just need to hear your way and love on miss abby!!
