
February 26, 2009

Daily Photo Session: 8 Weeks Old

Some days she can just lay on her changing table for hours! Earlier this week was one of those days and I grabbed the camera to capture her awareness!

Look at that adorable smile and laugh. I love it and lately get to hear it more often. When her belly is full and diaper is clean, she is a happy baby!

We went through a couple of different outfits on this day. I try to look at it as an opportunity to wear all the cute clothes we have. Apparently, Abby Lu hates this onesie. She has worn it one other time and each time it has ended up coming off early because of a nasty blow out. Thank goodness hot water and Oxyclean are magic!


  1. Everyone at work wants to see Abby's BOW of the day.

  2. love those cute smiles and moments on the changing table! Her bows are adorable. I have to save some money to buy Blythe some.
