
February 08, 2009

First Trip Out to Eat

On Saturday, Abby Lu experienced eating out for the first time. Since Grammy was visiting, we had lunch at Moonie's Burger House in Cedar Park. It was fabulous and she did so good. Not a peep from her the entire time... even with the table next to us moving chairs around on the hardwood floors.

We also discovered on Saturday that at almost 6 weeks old, she now fits into a pair of socks. They have been swimming on her little feet since birth and her cute "Mommy's Princess" socks fit. I am sure she will outgrow them (and all her other socks) before I am ready. We also are excited that she moved into Size 1 diapers. We have HUNDREDS of this size ready to go and were buying newborn diapers. So, it is nice to be stocked up, at least for a couple of weeks!