
February 26, 2009

Sick and Sleeping

Yesterday afternoon for the first time, Abby "gave me back" her bottle. It went all over outfit #2 of the day. She was a fussy girl and only wanted to be held. The doctor recommended I come in only if she was sick a second time. Luckily, she was fine by dinner time and was content to play. I assume she took the bottle too quickly or ate too much. It was a good test of how we will be with a sick baby- I was calm and practical, not getting too worked up. Marcus threatened to call our pediatrician back and give them a piece of his mind and mentioned his heart being broken. That lower lip and sad face are powerful!
After she was all better, she ate and went down for bed about 9:30. She woke up this morning with a smile at 7:15! I know they say sleeping 6 hours is considered sleeping through the night, but I consider last night really sleeping through the night. There was no 4:30ish feeding and it felt good! I hope this continues and wasn't just exhaustion from feeling bad.

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