
February 27, 2009

Thanks for the Advice

Abby and I ventured to Hobby Lobby this morning for a few supplies for my overwhleming desire to decorate! Watching HGTV all day long is bad for me.... I need the workout or save money channel!

Anyway, a random man in the spray paint aisle came over to me just as Abby began crying in her stroller. Said man, leaned over to look at her and loudly proclaimed she was hungry. Excuse me, you have met my child for 5 seconds and you know she is hungry? Weird! I appreciate advice, but this man was too much. I thanked him and politely moved on. She had finished eating a mere 20 minutes before the incident.


  1. I'm surprised it hasn't happened before now! Lookout for unsolicited advice for the rest of your life now!

  2. Prepare thyself, because you will get it ALL THE TIME and even from those you love. You did the right thing--just smile and nod and keep on truckin'! Sometimes people do have some good advice though so don't disregard everything though...some of the best gems we got were from perfect strangers. Ultimately, you and Marcus know best!
