
February 02, 2009

Wow, that is a first

We have had "blowouts" before, but today involved scissors.

I just couldn't find a way to get her onesie off her body without smearing "stuff" all over her, so I used scissors and just cut off the bad part and then removed the clean part. All went into the trash immediately. We had stuff everywhere and I'll never look at my scrapbook scissors the same way.

Please tell me this is normal and you ladies out there have done the same thing.


  1. Yep. Been there, done that. Welcome to the club! :) Sometimes there's a way to fold the icky part of the onesie inside onto itself and get it off in one piece... then straight to hot water and Oxyclean. GOOD LUCK! Before you know it, no bodily function will gross you out...

  2. We call them digestive pyrotechnics! Just wait until she has a blow out that not only ruins her outfit, but yours as well!

  3. Oh yes... up the back, in the hair, on the face... on MY hands! :(

  4. Yes it is very normal... we sadly had an incident one time when we were down in Col. Springs at this rock garden... any way... hummm I had no change of clothes for him and it turned out to be VERY windy and cold that day... we cleaned him as best we could Randy wrapped him in a blanket naked except for his new clean diaper and we ran in to the gift shop and all we could find was a this horrible onesie...but we bought it... what other choice did we have =) The lesson here is when away from home take extra clothes just in case!!!!

  5. You have been fully initiated into parenthood! Sybilla has had some bad ones, but I never had to use scissors! The worst was when she was about 4 motnhs old and starting to worm her way everywhere. It was all up her front, on the floor, and all over her clothes. We didn't realize it until we picked her up when she'd started to fuss. Lovely! Make sure you always have a spare set of clothes with you when you travel... for both her AND you!

  6. How about when it happens during a diaper change with a bare bottom? Connor's shot out about 3 feet onto the carpet when he was only a couple week's old. Thank goodness my mom was there to remove the stains from the carpet!! :-) Fun Times!

  7. When this happened to me, it was a big dose of reality that I am now a mother, being forced to deal with poop! I have also taking the onesie off from the bottom instead of the top.
