
March 22, 2009

Camp Jenk- Day One

Today was day one of Camp Jenk, Kyleigh's Spring Break fun at our house! We met my Mom to pick her up at Rudy's BBQ this morning before church.

Kyleigh was great at entertaining Abby Lu during breakfast. Abby just smiled at Kyleigh!

After church, we changed clothes and drove to Salt Lick to meet our cousins and have lunch. It was fun to see the four little girls together. It is still amazing to me that Kyleigh is the big girl!

After lunch, Marcus and Kyleigh went to Brushy Creek Park to canoe.

We were hoping Kyleigh would enjoy the water and doing something new and that her super girly ways wouldn't scare her from jumping in and trying it out.

She did it! And, she even jumped in the water (waist down) afterward to play. Super fun thing to do and relatively inexpensive.

Stay tuned- tomorrow is strawberry picking day at Camp Jenk!


  1. I think Kyleigh & Abby will have the same color eyes. They are both beautiful.

  2. what fun for all the cousins to be together!!!!
