
March 24, 2009

Camp Jenk- Day Three

Today was craft day and thank goodness I was prepared since it rained most of the day! My friend Johnna told me about steam-a-seam and we had fun using it.

It is an iron-on product that allows you to trace objects onto paper and then onto fabric and iron them onto shirts or onesies. Johnna even recommended the website to get shapes. We used that site and played with fonts in Word to come up with our designs. I also had some left over iron-ons that we used.

Check out these cute shirts for Kyleigh and Cohen. I love the tie for Cohen. Hopefully he likes it too!

Here is Abby sporting my favorite one that we made. I love the typewriter font of the A and the pink zebra. All of these are 3-6 months, so look for more fun projects in just 3 short months.

After all of our crafting fun, I was tired! Two kids this far apart is hard work. While K is very helpful she also has a smart active mind that needs to be entertained. I tried to avoid putting on cartoons, but today she watched about an hour of TV so that I could relax with just Abby. She was missing me and just wanted to be held this afternoon.

Tomorrow, Kyleigh and I will be scrapbooking our strawberry picking adventures and go to Half Price Books for her favorite series, Junie B. Jones books. Then, we are off to the mall for Camp Granpa and Jacque to begin. Whew!


  1. those are too cute, can i make a request for future b-day presents?

  2. i am oh so proud of you! those are ADORABLE!

  3. Love the outfits!! Good job, all!!

  4. what a FABULOUS aunt (and momma) you are! i look forward to hearing what you think of the steam-a-seam stuff after the onesies/shirts are washed a few times. do the edges of the ironed-on appliques pull up after that? (do they need to be sewn down or is this enough? i ask because i'd love to flatter you by copying you!) thanks!

  5. Hi Anna - that is so great! I'd love to try out that craft sometime soon. I feel as if I may need a teacher though - I'm such a "non-crafty but wannabe crafty" girl!

  6. looks great! You should bring that craft to the ladies craft night when it gets scheduled!
