
March 27, 2009

Such a Pretty Combination

It makes me laugh how confused everyone is on who Abby Lu takes after. We are told with great conviction that she looks just like me and then told by the next person she is a spitting image of her father. I think we can say she is a perfect combination based upon the pictures we had taken tonight.

Months ago when designing her nursery, we had the three frames hung with the middle empty just awaiting Abby's 3 month photos in my childhood dress. Tonight we filled the frame with Abby in such a sweet photo. Putting her between our baby photos show her traits so well. She has Marcus' mouth and chin and my eyes, ears, and nose.

She did really well tonight and so did we. It was hard to show restraint when they bring them out all printed and framed, but we got away with buying only 2 sheets, less than $50. We joined their club, so I am sure we will be back soon. I love the immediate gratification- we took photos, viewed them, edited them, and left the store with them in under one hour.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think anyone will be offended if I say Abby is the best-looking of the bunch?
