
April 03, 2009

complete state of Zen

So last night, lil Abby went down about 8:45 after a nice big 6 oz bottle.  At about 6am this morning, Anna said that we should go check on her.  Good idea.  

I walk into the nursery and peer over the crib.  Lil bit is looking right back at me.  Little shocking that she was awake with this Zen like contemplation look on her face.  She sees me and realizes its time to get out, and gets excited.  

At bedtime, she weighed somewhere around 13.5 pounds. This morning, she was about 2lbs the tailpipe.  Nightclothes were soaked....bedding soaked.....

That diaper had gone about twice as long as it should have...and our little Zen child was just fine.  No peep.  Nothing.  Not even a frustrated mumble through the monitor. 


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