
April 23, 2009

Completely Inappropriate Post

Just to make sure we don't win any "Parents of the Year" awards (wink wink), we had to post the fun we had with Abby last night and this morning.
I almost peed myself when I saw this picture. I had seen on FB recently a dog with a cigar and beer and told Marcus about it. He was having a glass of red wine with dinner, so we sat it next to Abby and I snapped her photo. We didn't know she would play along like a drunk as well!
Last night Abby's fashion godmother stopped by and brought over a bag of clothing including some funny onesies. This one cracked us up. Oh so wrong, but funny! We'll see if she gets kicked out of school for her tacky tee today!

I love that her big belly almost makes the words unreadable. That's sexy!


  1. Funny how that flower doesn't look as big now that she's grown. Love it.

  2. Awwwwww, Abby is so cute when she's wasted. What a cute kid!!!


