
April 04, 2009

Cooling Off with Ice in Round Top

Mom, Tiffany, Kyleigh, Abby and I drove to Round Top this morning for the semi-annual antiques (read JUNK) market. I came home with 3 things that I just love!

My college roommate Katy had an old milk can like this and it served as a great stool, drink holder, or table. I have it on the fireplace for now. It is a cool blue color with red coming through the peeled spots.

Love this rooster for my kitchen!
I saw one like this last weekend at the Leander High craft fair and the women was unwilling to sell and ship me one. She had already sold the one she brought.

Finally, my Mom bought me this cool green glass jar for my birthday. It is a neat antique looking glass with the metal red lid with peeling paint :)
I have it on the mantel, but don't know where it will end up or what I will put inside it. I am thinking of black beans and a big ivory candle.

We were lucky to find a covered porch to eat our BBQ sandwiches on. We took a little time there to get out of the heat and make faces with Abby. She was in the jogger and the front loader carrier for most of the day. She slept a little, ate a little and smiled a lot! All of the little ladies loved her.

While sitting on the porch, Tiffany gave her some ice to try. She made the funniest faces, but kept going back for more!

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog through another...can I just say I LOVE OLD JUNK....OMG, thats my kinda stuff!!!!!! Your daughter is beautiful by the way! :)
