
April 19, 2009

The Great Swimsuit Struggle of 2009

Let me preface this by saying this little cupcake is totally worth it!
I can't find a swimsuit to save my life! We have a great neighborhood pool that I really want to visit with Abby Lu this summer. She loves bath time so I think she'll love the pool. I haven't bought a swimsuit in 4 or more years not counting the maternity suits for Hawaii. I have ordered two suits from Old Navy and returned them both. The first one was too small- obviously I have grown a little post Abby. The second one fit but wanted to make sure the neighborhood saw all of my "girls". I can only imagine what would show while holding Abby!
Then I ordered one from Target. It came this weekend and I like the top. It didn't come with a bottom! Seriously- the picture showed a bottom and it was called a tankini which as far as I know includes a bottom. I am so annoyed. I will now return that top to Target as I refuse to pay more for shipping the bottoms! Hopefully my local Target store has something that I like.


  1. Whatever you do, don't make the mistake I made that first year my daughter went to the pool. I wore a suit from 1997...actually a suit I bought to go on a trip with James shortly after we were engaged. Not pretty. Lots of body pouring out of it. Bite the bullet and buy something you really like.



  2. proof the paragraph about your girls showing, i think you want to say you do not want your girls to show

  3. Argh!!! I hated that part about the postpartum phase. I couldn't find anything to save my life either. Just keep at it and DON'T do it with Abby...I tried to take Sybilla at one point and it was a nightmare. I had to keep leaving the dressing room and come back and wait for the family size room to open up each time which made for a frazzled and frumpy mommy :o( But you will find something, I promise!
