
April 01, 2009

New Carseat Toy

When I pick Abby Lu up from school each day she has fun on her short ride home playing with her cool frog that Kyleigh and I bought her a few weeks ago.

Look at our smart strong girl- she can grab at the toys and make them spin and light up.

I love seeing her happily relate to the things around her. I know it means her brain is growing and she is enjoying herself. I hope the next thing is her recognizing me and smiling when I arrive at school to pick her up.

This is her perspective of the frog, turtle and spinning mirror. The whole car ride home I hear the beads in the turtle rattling and Abby Lu giggling. She isn't able to press the frog's eyes to play the music just yet. I am sure it will happen soon.


  1. It's great to see her already playing with a toy.

  2. There is no other feeling in the world better than one's child recognizing them and running to get a hug when they get picked up from school. I can't wait for you to experience that joy!
