
April 26, 2009

Sick Baby Girl

UPDATE: She is doing much better today. Thanks for the tips- we have done steam rooms and tried Runny Noses. Both were recommendations from the nurseline we called and our beloved friends. She slept most of today, but didn't sneeze nearly as much. Unfortunately, I have a sore throat coming on. This cold is an equal opportunity attacker.
We are dealing with our first runny nose and it is pathetic. She only wants Mommy and wants to be held and snuggle. That part isn't all that bad; however, she sleeps horribly at night. We are walking zombies! It is worse than when she was a newborn. She is too little for meds, so we are just aspirating regularly and letting her relax. If she isn't better on Monday, we'll have our first pediatrician appointment.


  1. Poor baby!! (And, poor mommy and daddy!) Praying she gets better soon!

  2. Anna -
    Aidan caught my cold when he was only 2 months old and we tried it all. Here's what helped us.
    1. Have her sleep with her head elevated (they make an insert mattress at babiesrus) or in her car seat
    2. Humidifier or take her into the bathroom and run the hot water in the shower
    Hope this helps a little. I know how you feel.
