
May 22, 2009

Help me out here...

I ordered these navy shoes to match some pants and I like them only there is a problem... they are a peep toe, but you can't see my toes. They fit fine in the back, but I think this looks weird.

Keep them or return them?


  1. I say if you think they look weird, return them and get something you love! - check out my blog! Our babies were born very close together. I am a friend of Billye Louder and have been reading your blog ever since she gave me the site about a year ago! Your daughter is precious!

  2. I agree... if you are not in love with them, return them. Then you won't have to feel weird about no peep peep toe shoes.

  3. I have the same problem sometimes too. I say return them... what is the point of peep toe if there is no toe to peep?
