
May 03, 2009

Her First Belly Laughs!

Abby has been super close to laughing for us- she was just letting out a light squeal without following up with a laugh. I knew we were so close that I put together a combination I knew would lead to laughs-

1. Turn on her mobile. She can stare and squeal at it for ages.

2. Let her be naked. Girlfriend loves to be naked!

3. Await the appropriate digestive time. She is always happy while filling up her diaper!

4. Find a toy to shake and rattle in front of her.

Let the video camera roll! I could listen to this for hours. Must not play it at work! I will surely find a reason to go and get my laughable little loveable lady.


  1. I love those sweet beely laughs. I can usualy get Michael to laugh that way when we tickle him! Toooo cute!

  2. Great video!!! Makes me smile all over!!
