
May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Cookout

This was our afternoon view- isn't it beautiful! This is the backyard pool of Marcus' coworker John. Him and Delia have a lovely home and invited Marcus' team over for the afternoon.

We meant to swim all afternoon. But never did and then it was time to go before Abby melted down and embarrassed us!

Marcus and Abby Lu discovered the chair hammock and enjoyed swinging. For the first time, she just wasn't very pleasant. We tried lots of different things, but she was unhappy. I think she got a little sticky- it was a little humid and we had her slathered in sunscreen. Once we cooled her down, she took a short nap- just in time for us to eat!

This is Harley and he was IN LOVE with Abby. He wanted to be wherever she was. Abby didn't mind or even notice until Harley barked. We then saw the lower lip, red face, screams and tears. Looks like it'll be a while before she is comfortable around dogs.

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