
May 17, 2009

Mother's Day and Painting

We moved into our house 10 days before I got pregnant, so there hasn't been much time for painting projects. But, I have ideas and this weekend, I followed through with one. Our entryway has multiple cutouts like this one. I want to paint them to highlight them more, but wasn't sure which direction to go- a shade darker than the rest of the house or my favorite red.
Here is the before:
and the after. The colors looks a little more yellow in the picture than in real life. It is called Applesauce Cake. I love paint colors!

Also, I was remiss in showing you my Mother's Day gift. My vintage ring of Abby's newborn photo was my present, but since I opened it a few weeks ago, Marcus made sure I had a present on the actual day. Look- I got a snuggie (fleece blanket with arms as seen on TV)! I love it and am sure to use it this winter on my big leather chair while watching football. Thanks Marcus!

1 comment:

  1. The new paint really makes that space "pop". What a difference a little paint makes, in a great color, of course.
