
May 23, 2009

New Sleep Position

Oh how this concerns me!
(forget the blanket- I only did that this afternoon because it was cold and she fell asleep without pants on. I was checking on her often. We don't put her down with a blanket normally.)
Why oh why does my child chose to sleep FACE DOWN? Doesn't she know it makes me nervous! I was so scared when she learned to roll over and sleep on her belly, but got comfortable with it as I know she can breathe when her head is to the side. Now, she is sleeping with her face on the sheet. I go in after she falls asleep and turn her head. I just can't keep it like that all night. This is one of those situations where I do all I can and trust Him to do the rest.


  1. It'll be ok...the pedi told me that so long as Billa was able to roll over and back both ways, and we were putting her to sleep on her back, she'd be ok. I know how scary it is as a new mom, but God will take care of it all!

  2. ditto to that, our doctor said the same thing. If she can roll over then she has the brain smarts to do it when she needs to

  3. anna sleeps the exact same way!
