
May 16, 2009

Sleeping Training Step Two

Last night we began phase 2 of sleep training. Once they have going to bed down (Abby Lu goes down at 7:15 and cries for less than 5 minutes) you begin to use the same sleep methods during the middle of the night. We had been getting her out of bed when she awoke and giving her 3 ounces of formula and then putting her back down. She would go to sleep easily, but our pediatrician felt like it was time to drop those final 3 ounces.
We did it last night. She went down at 7:15 and awoke at 3:30. I went into her room and patted her back, shh'ed her and then waited 3 minutes and repeated. She was back asleep in less than 15 minutes. It took me another 30 to go to sleep! She awoke at 6:30 and was ready to tackle her day. Daddy wasn't so ready!

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