
May 28, 2009

Where Are My Parents?

Abby has to wonder where her parents went because both Marcus and I did something we haven't done in her lifetime or in many years.....
I tried to dye my hair dark brown (my natural color), but wasn't super successful. It still looks red! I will give it a darker try soon. I don't totally love my new hairdresser's colors and it takes so much time to get it done that I was hoping to be a little more low maintenance and just get a quick cut every couple of months. We'll see!
Marcus went wild and crazy on his 35th birthday and shaved off his goatee! He wanted Abby to see where her little chin dimple comes from. This picture is a rare sight as it has been at least 8 years since he has been clean shaven. We have one picture on the refrigerator from June 2000 (Billye's wedding) with Marcus sans goatee. He isn't fond of it (and neither am I), so he plans to have it back in place in the next few weeks.


  1. Marc, I love the clean-shaven look. I had forgotten how deep your dimple is!

  2. Marcus... ooops, happy belated birthday ! We knew & had it on the calendar.. but forgot to send a post !!! xxoo
