
June 21, 2009

Food Exploration

This morning we placed Abby in her highchair that we had assembled on Friday night. She did wonderful in it. I have to believe it is more comfortable than her Bumbo which requires a little more use of her stomach muscles. She had fun playing in her chair and ate her rice cereal in it.
Tonight I pulled out her Sassy feeder. If you haven't seen one, you can put squishy foods inside and let your child bite on it. It is said to feel good on their gums and introduces them to the juice of foods. I had bought grapes and placed them inside. Abby chewed on them for quite a while.

I think she is ready for some food. She is getting worse at night- getting up at least once and only going down with a bottle. She is hungry! I am planning to up her bottle at night and see if it helps. Our next pediatrician appointment in July 1 and I fully expect the green light for foods then. I know Abby is going to just love it!

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