
June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Granpa

These are the proofs from our SURPRISE photo session for my parents.

We sent a copy of this one to my Dad for Father's Day. He is still in South Dakota. I hope it made it! If not, a real copy in a frame is coming your way Dad!

Thank you for being a wonderful father, father-in-law and Granpa. We love you and can't wait to see you again!

You can not imagine how hard it was to get one good picture of these 3 kids. Kyleigh would get in position and just freeze her smile face until she tired out. Abby was looking around, not smiling, and slumping over in Kyleigh's tired arms. Cohen, well Cohen is a 4 year old boy with energy bigger than the room we had placed him in.
It was fun and I love the pictures, but am certain we won't be doing this again for a few more years!

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