
July 05, 2009

Abby Lu's First Restaurant Highchair

Grammy was in town this weekend, so my Mom, Aunt Larriane, Marcus, Abby Lu and I went to County Line on the Lake for BBQ. Carol wanted "good ribs" so her and Marcus shared the rib king plate. It is huge!
The place was packed at 4:45 in the afternoon! The sun was shining and the water was.... sparkling green!

The big news of the meal was Abby Lu sitting in a high chair and not her car seat in a sling! Look at how happy she is to see, touch and flirt with everyone!

She did a great job- playing with toys, drinking water, looking around and enjoying five fully grown adults making faces and talking in funny voices. Marcus did walk around outside with her before the meal and I ate one handed while giving her an extra bottle that she just had to have! All in all, a great first attempt at eating out with a hgihchair included.

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