
July 03, 2009

Froggy Pool

Since Abby loves the water so much, I jumped at the chance to buy this froggy pool at HEB today. It is perfect for our back patio when we don't want to go to our neighborhood pool. Not only did I get the pool, but 50 balls that go with it. Since Abby was shaded, I let her wear her cute one piece that I think was Kyleigh's 7 years ago. Abby sat in her bumbo in the pool and also in the pool without assistance. She had lots of fun with the pool itself and the balls.

She also discovered Marcus' Sonic cup. We finally gave it to her to see if she knew what it was or what was inside of it, she just wanted to play with it.

Look for us to spend lots of time in the froggy this summer!

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