
July 25, 2009

Funday Friday

I made the most of my 2 days off and enjoyed seeing friends and family on Friday. We left at 8 and drove to Bulverde (north of San Antonio) to visit my girlfriend Alison and her kids. She had VBS duty in the nursery that morning, so we got to play!
This is Abby's first time to swing! She seemed to enjoy it- she just sat back and took it all in. She had just eaten so we did a very light version for a very short time!After swinging we went into the nursery and found this cool car. The whole thing is stuffed so it was all around her and allowed her to sit up comfortably. She enjoyed checking herself out in the mirror!
After VBS was over, we had a yummy lunch at Alison's house and let the kids play together. Four kids under the age of 6 was fun to watch. It was like constantly counting to 4 to make sure everyone was accounted for. Gus and Georgia were moving all about, so we didn't get a goob picture of the group, but here is Georgia helping me push Abby to our car.

We left Bulverde and drove 30 minutes to New Braunfels to see my sister, Kyleigh and Cohen. Kyleigh and Tiffany were teaching Abby how to patty cake. She had fun learning! I was visiting Tiffany to drop off shoes. My feet have grown a little and my style of shoes has changed a lot. I brought more than 50 pair for her to go through. She took about 25 pair. I have a co-worker that wants to see the remaining pairs and then they are off to charity. I got rid of most of my super high heels (not practical), shoes left from college (lots of Mary Janes!) and random shoes that I never wear, like the super cute flip flops that make noise when I walk. I just couldn't hold onto them any longer. So, I now have room to restock with shoes I'll actually wear.

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