
July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Mackenzie!

This is our sweet friend Mackenzie who celebrated her 3rd birthday this weekend. She had a super fun party at Kiddie Acres on Wells Branch. What a neat place!
Abby and Marcus rode on her first carousel.
Abby loved riding the train. She had no clue she was on a train, but did love the wind in her face. I'm not sure what serious thoughts she was pondering.

But clearly, those deep thoughts knocked her out (for 30 minutes at least).

30 minutes was just long enough for Marcus and I to enjoy pizza and birthday cake. I elected to remove the green and orange Dora icing. Marcus elected to partake in the colored goodness.

Happy Birthday Miss Mackenzie! We love you and enjoyed being at your party.


  1. I never been to Kiddie Acres just because it always looks unsafe and I've never know anyone who went there...I am glad to see it up close and see that Abby liked it. I'll have to take Kiersten to check it out.


  2. I recognize the little outfit she is wearing! Adorable even the second time around!!!!!
