
July 10, 2009

I am Not A Boy

Can you read Abby's shirt? It says, "I am not a boy". So funny! It was a sweet gift from my cousin Susan. I think even with no hair or huge hair bows Abby has always looked like a girl. Someone once asked me if she was a boy only because she was in blue pants. I thought the man was crazy because they were tuquoise with ruffles and matched her pink onesie! I think he was old school and girls never wore blue when he was parenting. I love Abby in blue!
See the tongue thing? Always in this position! Weirdo!


  1. WE NEED THIS SHIRT... This happens to us all the time. Even when Madeline had on a pink hat one day this lady said "What a cute little boy." No. Not a boy.
    She followed up with 'How old is he.'
    I replied..Oh SHE is 4 months old. Smile.
    I think our little GIRLS are just beautiful and the most feminine little things. So there! : )

  2. I had Sybilla in a blue DRESS with flowers all over it once and an older lady asked me how old my little boy was. "SHE's almost one!" I replied and gave her my biggest sweetest smile. Now we save the boy looking stuff for at home :o) Oh well! Billa is turning into a tomboy anyway, so whatever!

  3. OHHH I LOVE IT!!! I don't know how I missed this post!!! She is a beautiful girl!!
