
July 20, 2009

Party at the new Cowboys Stadium

Isn't my husband a lucky man? I not only hooked him up with a couple of cheerleaders this weekend, but I also covered for him and made him take a picture with them. I also realized while taking said picture that I had zoomed in too much and had to zoom out to get the best part(s) for him!
Seriously, I did have an event at Cowboys Stadium this weekend and we paid to have cheerleaders there for photos and autographs. I have autographed pics for Abby's scrapbook and Kyleigh. I opted to take my pic with the bartenders- the one on the left looks just like Michael Crabtree who played for Texas Tech. He said he gets that often. The one on the right just wanted in the picture. I told him he didn't look like anyone famous and he laughed and during the picture kept rattling off men he could look like- Mike Tyson, George Foreman, etc. I was so excited to have my sweet baby girl at the party with me. She wore a cute pink and brown football outfit I made for her. No cowboys gear in this house! My "60" shirt is for our company's 60th anniversary meeting.
The party had 230 people and a LONG waiting list! They all took private tours of the stadium and most were there to see the largest TV in the world which hangs in the stadium. I don't ever want to see my face or body that large! The TV is 180 feet long!

This is the view from our suite looking toward the end zone. Those large glass panels open up and take 18 minutes to fully open creating what Jerry Jones' is claiming as the biggest tailgate party opportunity!

During my meeting this week, our Saturday night party was in a suite at the new Cowboys Stadium. We were practically on the field. The suite will be used during games as the restaurant/bar/lounge with people who bought a private suite. Those privates suites start at over 1 million dollars and that does not include tickets! Goodness! Here are some pics of the suite set for our party.

The star hangs from the ceiling and is huge! This is the players entrance to the game- their locker room is next door to this suite. The floor on this walkway is much like a spongy track surface and has lights on the floor that can be various colors.
The suite can hold 600 people and includes 2 bars, 4 large screens and more TVs than I counted! We displayed our logo and also showed the video of the stadium being built.
This suite is connected to the media room which is connected to the locker room. Before our event, the media room was being used for interviews about Sunday's Gold Cup soccer match. Spanish TV reporters were also walking in the suite doing sound bits. I may be on Spanish ESPN!

Here is one of the simple centerpieces we did and the pretty linens I ordered.

Planning the President's Party each year is the most fun! I get to be creative and I love it! Next year we are in San Antonio and the event will be kid-friendly. Time to get to work!